How To Build A House With Little Money

18 Март, 2023

Building a house with little money is possible, it is only important to know what considerations to take into account, how to save money in the stagesof the project, how to get the most out of your resources, among other aspects.

If you are wondering how to build a house with little money, in this article you will find the answer, because we have gathered some important tips that in our experience are decisive to meet a construction project attached to a budget.

So, make sure nothing prevents you from having your dream home,define a budget, and start the construction work.

Keep in mind the tips that we will share with you, and if you want any special advice, or want to know our housing projects, do not hesitate to contact us, we will gladly attend your request. At MayaOcean we are here to serve you.

#1: Consider the dimensions of the terrain

The first thing you should keep in mind, if you want to build a house with little money, is to know very well and consider the dimensions of the land on which you will build.

If you do not have the land, and you are considering buying one, acquire a land that fits your budget, so that you do not waste money that could well serve you for construction.

Make sure that the land is not larger than what you will need for your house,the important thing is that its dimensions allow you to make a suitable construction for your need, if you live alone or alone or if you are going to inhabit the new house with your family.

If you are already paying for the land and it turns out that it is very large, you can confirm if it is possible to divide the land, for this you just have to contact the cadastre offices of the town where the land is and request that information.

After communicating, if it is possible to divide the land, then get a trusted buyer who is interested in the other half and do the paperwork before the notary and the municipal administration and the land will be legally divided.

This is a good way to save money and, if you manage to sell a part, to obtain an additional income that you can invest in construction.

#2: The dimensions of the house

Just as we advise you to take into account the dimensions of the land we also believe it convenient, if you want to build a house with little money, evaluate the dimensions of the house you want to build.

To do this, know the space needs for you and your family,the most appropriate organization for the house, the measures that fit your budget for construction.

If your budget is low, it is best not to think about building a large house, it is best to save space. For example, for your children, you can create a single bedroom for them to share. Instead of making two bedrooms, you make one a little bigger..

You can also make a single bathroom for everyone, and that this one is multipurpose. An architect can design a bathroom that can be shared by everyone, and so you won’t have to build two bathrooms or more.

#3: Lean on a company that sorts out the details

You’ll think that hiring professionals separately can help you save money, but you don’t. The best thing is that you rely on a company that takes care of all the details to make the construction of your house a reality.

It is important that this company has an architect or engineer,and that you can delegate the construction of your house to a single group of your professionals.

That way they will be in charge of processing the construction permits and the permits to inhabit your house. If you manage to delegate these permits you will save money and time because you will not make mistakes that can generate problems during the procedures that cost you more investment.

To ensure that your budget is not compromised, it requires the metric calculations of the work, with the structural calculations,the electrical installations, the sanitary installations, and all the details such as walls, roofs, windows and all kinds of installations.

In the same way, ask them to detail the quality of the materials and quantity that will be used in each stage. This is how you can have control over your budget and you will not have to urgently look for a loan to cover expenses for which you were not prepared.

#4: Approve and adjust to the plans

The plans of the house must have all the details, so it is important that, to make sure you do not leave your budget, you review them with the architect.

Keep in mind that with the permits in hand and the approved plans you begin with the construction of the work,and once it has begun, the plans should not be modified.

If you make a modification in any of the construction stages, the times are mismatched, labor expenses are increased and, of course, your investment increases.

So, if you’re wondering how to build a house with little money, always remember to stick to approved plans.

Hence the importance of your architect being trustworthy, so that your house construction project is attached to your expectations according to the budget you have available.

If you rely on an agency that puts your interests and savings as a priority, you will have the advantage of having it as an ally and at the same time knowing that there will be no lost spaces in useless circulation that could well add square meters in expenses.

The idea is that the plan reflects that all spaces will be used, every square centimeter of your land, and that you will obtain a functional construction project, with quality materials, that do not compromise the future of your home and with an aesthetic that makes you and your family feel comfortable.

In MayaOcean we have projects that may well be tailored to your budget, we can advise you to get the most out of your money available for the construction of your house.

#5: Do not think that second-hand materials are a saving

The last tip we want to share with you so that you can build a house with little money, is rather a warning: do not use second-hand materials

In fact, you must demand that the materials that have been computed in the work be complied with,with the previously specified quality, and if there is a change for any higher reason, then you must receive notification in advance in which the change is communicated and the reason.

It is important that the blocks, bricks, cement, pipes, wood, doors, windows, and each of the elements that are used are first, because otherwise the savings you think you are having will translate into a greater expense at some point.

It is the first class materials that will allow you to have a house in good condition for a long time.

We hope that with these tips you can have the result you want in the construction of your house, and that at the same time you can save money in the process, in each of the stages of the project.

Remember that in MayaOcean we are here to help you and if you have any concerns or want to know our services you can write to us.


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